3 Seeds of KWASWARA (Indica) Out&Indoor SB

15.00 €
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Top Outdoor variety KWASWARA from Hamburg

(regular seeds)

Maroc x Afghan x Silver Pearl

(Global Seeds DE & SensiSeeds NL)

was the source in the late 1990s

We breed KWASWARA in the clime of Hamburg to make it resistant against bad weather, and to get a real early harvest with enormous results. Not to believe that quality is grown outdoors!!!

The most uniuqe of its breeding was the pre-flowering in the early livetimes for many generations.

So KWASWARA starts to flower 3-4 weeks after germination, like an autoflowering.

But it not dies after 2month!!

Related to the feedings and the light-period, You can bring KWASWARA to flower for many many month.

I allways put it into flowering phase, with 12h light and 12h darkness, when KWASWARA was just 20 cm high, and transplant it outside with 30cm after collecting the females.

So results 250g per plant was easily to see.

Indoors You can let it flower for a very long time, extremely huge buds are resulting.

Check the moisture by longtime flowering with approx. 14h of light/10h dark.

We use regular strains, to handle changings in lightning safely without hermaphrodism.

If You give KWASWARA enourmous neutrum as feeding for growing, You can harvest much more than 250grams best quality on one plant outside in Europe!!!

Not to imagine how much it grows in tropic regions!-)


Easy to grow - a ideal beginners strain

Mostly Indica - strong - medium smell

One of my favorites for last 2 decades, with clear mind and many happy memories.


Poplar-like, often purple in september

Hush variety with lightly buds, very sticky reson and good crop yields


Normally not higher than 1,8 meters.

up to 250g per plant till end of september is to expect

We use to let it grow up to 30cm to put it outside

Outdoors any strain needs direct sun for minimal 6-8h to get a real nice quality.

In germany You need a snail-defence like copper-tape.


Growing: 6-9 weeks

Bloom: 7 weeks flowering

Result: up to 800g/m²


smooth but strong, happy smiling, stoned mind, good for allday times


Often if people smokes Haze bevore, they sometimes cant feel the spirit of oldscool

KWASWARA. But next day they cant stop laughting. KWASWARA has got just 15-20% THC but with secundar cannabinoids its smoth and very strong in action.

Its not a problem to make clones with KWASWARA.

Its not an autoflowering, even if it looks like!!

Its not feminised (regular seeds) to guarantee natural genes without chromosomal diseases, no hermaphrodism, no polypluedims (no mutants), light resistant & stabil.

You can chose the best female to use it for motherplant a long time.

We say its the best way to get 12 seeds per variety and chose the best one in Your grow-system to re-use it via clones later!-)