KOLIBRI - 3 Samen (Kunstlicht) US-Spitzen-Hybrid F1 (Sie lehrt Dir und befreit Dich vom Standflug)

15,00 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand


Hardcore KOLIBRI can make You fly on the spot

(regular seeds)

Bubble Gum and Haze#2

(Parents of KOLIBRI)

We crossbreed KOLIBRI not long ago (F1). Its the most heavy THC-overloaded variety in B-SEEDS stock now. (Up to 32% THC, 0-1% CBD)

Not to believe how much heavy buds KOLIBRI produces!!!

Strong in lung - and extremely strong in mind... good for relaxing, eating and sleeping well, also good against pain as a real cure.

The most uniuqe of KOLIBRI breeding are people want get more!-)

KOLIBRI needs a littel longer for flowering, but the time is needed for US-top quality and same huge crop yield.

Depended to the right feeding at all

(KOLIBRI is hungry like a monster)

You can get more You need!!

Not any problem with pollination was found with KOLIBRI.

So we can use it as a motherplant for clones a long time!!


good to grow - a ideal strain for professionals with co2 application, you'll get highest yield.

Hybrid from Bubble Gum and Haze#2 (Sativa/Indica=Hybrid-habitus)

Not to find in Nature.


Real huge: leaves & buds


Growing: 4-6 weeks

Bloom: 7-8 weeks flowering

Result: up to 1600g/m² (with CO²)

Mind & Use:

Hardcore, Cali-like

well used by pain patients, cancer, insomnia, post-traumatic stress, ADHD(ADHS), such that.


KOLIBRI is a highbreeded strain, its hard to smoke, hard to suffer.

We get best feedback with KOLIBRI.

Some courious phenomeans seems to show a polypluidia, by both parents, like sprouts and buds grown from leaves (mutant-like).

Its also a very strong highlevel THC producing strain.

Its not a problem to grow via clones with KOLIBRI easily.

Its not feminised but it was got indications for a chromosomal diseases by treatment with colchizine, result is called "polyploid". (Leaves and sprouts out of leaves, ...)

It was done in 60s and 70s to get stronger plants, nowerdays to get feminised seeds.

We say its the best way to get 15 seeds per variety and chose the best one in Your grow-system to clone!-)